28 Weeks

When I was pregnant with Gideon, I dutifully took pictures of my pregnant belly every week so that I could document the wicked growth– er, lovely transformation– of my body. Everyone told me, “Oh, just wait! You’ll want to see how much you changed week to week after the baby is born.” And they said it with a delightful smile as if I would be so grateful someday.

Listen here, people. Some memories deserve to live in closets. The memory of slowly losing my 19-year-old body is one of those.

Now I look back on those photos (most of which will never see the light of day except in the privacy of my own home) and can only think how naive me and my body were back then. We definitely had no idea that we would be changed so much and how many of those changes would be PERMANENT. So, so, so, so permanent.

Now, at round two, I know what to expect. Welcome to the first day of the third (and last) trimester! It only gets WAY bigger– er, better– from here.

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